Givenn_x_m_non-negative integers representing an elevation map 2d where the area of each cell is_1_x_1, compute how much water it is able to trap after raining.

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class Solution {



 \* @param heights: a matrix of integers

 \* @return: an integer


int trapRainWater\(vector<vector<int> > &heights\) {

    // write your code here

    if \(heights.empty\(\) \|\| heights\[0\].empty\(\)\) {

        return 0;


    int water = 0;

    auto cmp = \[\]\(Cell left, Cell right\) { return left.h > right.h; };

    priority\_queue<Cell, vector<Cell>, decltype\(cmp\)> q\(cmp\);

    //priority\_queue<Cell> q;

    int n = heights.size\(\);

    int m = heights\[0\].size\(\);

    //bool visited\[n\]\[m\] = {{0}};

    vector<vector<bool>> visited\(n, vector<bool>\(m, false\)\);

    for \(int i = 0; i < n; ++i\) {

        q.emplace\(i, 0, heights\[i\]\[0\]\);

        q.emplace\(i, m-1, heights\[i\]\[m-1\]\);

        visited\[i\]\[0\] = true;

        visited\[i\]\[m-1\] = true;


    for \(int j = 1; j < m-1; ++j\) {

        q.emplace\(0, j, heights\[0\]\[j\]\);

        q.emplace\(n-1, j, heights\[n-1\]\[j\]\);

        visited\[0\]\[j\] = true;

        visited\[n-1\]\[j\] = true;


    // int offsets\[4\]\[2\] = {{1,0}, {-1,0}, {0,1}, {0,-1}};

    vector<vector<int>> offsets = {{1,0}, {-1,0}, {0,1}, {0,-1}};

    while \(!q.empty\(\)\) {

        auto cell =\(\);


        for \(auto offset : offsets\) {

            int i = cell.x + offset\[0\];

            int j = cell.y + offset\[1\];

            if \(isInsideArea\(i, j, n, m\) && !visited\[i\]\[j\]\) {

                visited\[i\]\[j\] = true;

                water += max\(cell.h - heights\[i\]\[j\], 0\);

                q.emplace\(i, j, max\(cell.h, heights\[i\]\[j\]\)\);




    return water;



struct Cell {

    Cell\(int x, int y, int h\) {

        this->x = x;

        this->y = y;

        this->h = h;


    bool operator< \(const Cell &rhs\) const{

        return h > rhs.h;


    int x, y, h;


bool isInsideArea\(int i, int j, int n, int m\) {

    return i >=0 && i < n && j >= 0 && j < m;



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